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FPCM International Scientific Committee
Suresh Advani, University of Delaware, USA | Remko Akkerman (FPCM12 Chairman), University of Twente, The Netherlands | Simon Bickerton, The University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Christophe Binétruy, École Centrale de Nantes, France | Conchúr Ó Brádaigh, University College Cork, Ireland | Joël Bréard, Université du Havre, France |
Paolo Ermanni, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Juan Garcia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain | Hiroyuki Hamada, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan |
Pascal Hubert, McGill University, Canada | Stepan Lomov, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | Andrew Long, The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom |
Al Loos, Michigan State University, USA | Staffan Lundström, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden | Veronique Michaud, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
Peter Mitschang, Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany | Krishna Pillai, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA | Byron Pipes, Purdue University, USA |
John Summerscales, University of Plymouth, UK | François Trochu, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada | Gerhard Ziegman, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany |
FPCM12 programme
Day 1: Monday 14 July 2014 | Day 2: Tuesday 15 July 2014 | Day 3: Wednesday 16 July 2014 | Posters |
Keynote I: Challenges in multifunctional composites manufacture and operation Leif Asp (Swerea SICOMP, Sweden) |
Keynote II: Vacuum Assisted Process® – technology for large Aerostructure Components Mathias Friedrich (Premium Aerotec, Germany) |
Keynote III: Flow analysis software for RTM: design and applications Arjen Koorevaar (Polyworx, The Netherlands) |
On the effect of mould deflection on flow characterization in RTM (abstract) Nuno Correia (Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, Portugal) |
Session I: Thermoplastic Composites I Chair: Remko Akkerman |
Session V: Thermoplastic Composites II Chair: Pascal Hubert |
Session X: Natural Fibre Composites Chair: Richard Loendersloot |
Permeability determination of resistive welded carbon fabrics (abstract) Jörg Dittmann (University of Stuttgart, Germany) |
Moulding defects in continuous fibre and randomly-oriented strands carbon/PEEK composites (Comp A) Benoit Landry (Mc Gill University, Canada) |
A lubrication approach to friction in forming processes with thermoplastic UD composites Uli Sachs (University of Twente - TPRC, The Netherlands) |
Experimental analysis of flow behavior in the flax fiber reinforcement with double scale porosity Van Hau Nguyen (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Douai, France) |
Reinforcement of partially cured aerospace structures with B-staged patches (abstract) Clemens Dransfeld (Institute of Polymer Engineering Windisch, Switzerland) |
Development of composite parts with RTM process based on new high fluidity thermoplastic polymers Gilles Orange (Solvay, France) |
Pultrusion process for continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites Asami Nakai (Gifu University, Japan) |
Capillary effects on flax fibres reinforcements: comparison of chemical and morphological effects on the local wetting dynamics (Comp A) Monica Pucci (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France) |
Simulation of the compression resin transfer moulding for fast curing resins (abstract) Clemens Dransfeld (Institute of Polymer Engineering Windisch, Switzerland) |
Experimental investigation of the flow behavior of woven composite flakes in thermoplastic resin melt Mohammed Iqbal Abdul Rashid (University of Twente - TPRC, the Netherlands) |
Modeling of unsaturated flow in woven fibers during direct injection-pultrusion process of thermoplastic composites (Comp A) Arthur Babeau (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) |
Shear viscosity data of natural fibre compounds for the modeling of polymer processes through reverse engineering Frederik Desplentere (KU Leuven, Belgium) |
A study on the filtration of nano and micro particles in liquid composite molding processes (abstract) Gaston Francucci (National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina) |
Session II: Numerical Methods I Chair: Suresh Advani |
Poster Session | Mold filling simulation in RTM processing of natural fiber composite materials Gaston Francucci (National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina) |
Characterization of capillary pressure effects in liquid composite molding Andrew George (Brigham Young University, United States of America) |
Multi-scale modelling of combined deterministic and stochastic fabric non-uniformity for realistic resin injection simulation Andreas Endruweit (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) |
Session VI:
Numerical Methods II Chair: Alfred Loos |
Session XI: Material Modelling Chair: Veronique Michaud |
Permeability of sheared woven flax fibres reinforcements; permeability measurements of the orthotropic behaviour Pierre-Jacques Liotier (Ecoles des Mines de Saint-Etienne CNRS, France) |
Capturing the variability of textile permeability from scanned images: A tool to automatically compute a textile permeability map Elinor Swery (University of Auckland, New Zealand) |
Numerical prediction of in-plane permeability for woven fabric with manufacture induced deformation (Comp A) Xuesen Zeng (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) |
Design of a quasi-unidirectional fabric for RTM process with high fluidity thermoplastic: longitudinal permeability and microstructure Guillaume Cazaux (University of Le Havre, UMR CNRS, France) |
Simulation of multilayer preform impregnation during VARTM process (abstract) Raounak Loudad (University of Havre CNRS, France) |
A stochastic approach to modeling the effect of material variation in out-of-autoclave prepreg consolidation (Comp A) Rhena Helmus (University of München, Germany) |
An adaptive monolithic Finite Element approach for the numerical simulation of compression Resin Transfer Molding processes Jerome Claracq (DOW Benelux BV, The Netherlands) |
A micromechanical model to simulate capillary flows in dual scale porous media Claudia Thurnher (Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Canada) |
Influence of chemical-stitching binder technology on preform permeability Dino Magagnato (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
Direct generation of finite element meshes of composites micro and mesostructure from 3D imaging: application to flow computation Luisa Silva (Mines ParisTech, France) |
Eulerian approach for computational fluid-solid mechanics with capillarity issues for resin infusion based process Pierre-Jacuqes Liotier (Hexcel Reinforcements, France) |
High temperature VARTM using LaRC-PETI-9 polyimide resin Alfred Loos (Michigan State University, United States of America) |
Development of an innovative preforming process (abstract) Maximilian Marquart (BMW Group, Germany) |
Session III: Void Dynamics Chair: Leif Asp |
Direct numerical orientation of fiber in shear flow for complex fluids Patrice Laure (Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, France) |
Modeling and validation of through thickness flows in fully wetted textiles during consolidation Mario Danzi (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) |
A multifunctional PvT device for the characterization of thermophysical properties of thermoplastics in extreme thermal conditions (abstract) B. Pignon (Université de Nantes CNRS, France) |
In situ flow visualization of void migration during out-of-autoclave thermoset prepreg processing Thomas Cender (University of Delaware, United States) |
Session VII: Particle Dynamics Chair: John Summerscales |
Analysis of multi-scale effects on the permeability of fabrics for liquid composite molding Luca Bergamasco (Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, Spain) |
Advanced computational strategies for fast and reliable gate arrangement pre-design of resin infusion processes (abstract) (Comp A) F Sanchez (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Spain) |
Volatile-induced voids in RTM processing for aerospace Mark Anders (University of Southern California, United States) |
Processing and characterization of multi-scale composites manufactured by out-of-autoclave Resin Film Infusion Pascal Hubert (McGill University Montreal, Canada) |
Session XII: Numerical Methods III Chair: François Trochu |
In-mould surfacing with a silicone membrane (abstract) John Summerscales (Plymouth University, England) |
Coupling the formation, movement, dispersion and effects of voids in resin infusion Mark Brandley (Brigham Young University, United States) |
Packing and permeability properties of E-glass fibre reinforcements functionalised with capsules for selfhealing applications Erica Manfredi (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland) |
Air evacuation in consolidation modeling of Out of Autoclave prepregs Theodosia Kourkoutsaki (University of München, Germany) |
Processing and mechanical characterization of glass fiber reinforcements using GO nano particles Rehan Umer (Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi UAE) |
Modeling hysteresis in liquid composite mold filling processes with void formation Antonio García (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain) |
Combining process simulation and sensing for optimised composites manufacturing Nikos Pantelelis (Synthesites Innovative Technologies, Greece) |
Process modeling of composite materials – a holistic and generic simulation tool using poromechanics Mohammad Rouhi (Swerea SICOMP, Sweden) |
Skin-core debonding in resin-infused sandwich structures Rehan Umer (Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi UAE) |
Poster Session | Session VIII: Process monitoring and control Chair: Peter Mitschang |
An efficient scheme to model resin flow in a deformable porous media using RTM infusion simulation Suresh Advani (University of Delaware, United States) |
Towards efficient textile characterisation: Industry-focussed permeability and compaction evaluation Andrew Walbran (Technische Universität München, Germany) |
Session IV:
Characterisation Methods Chair: Christophe Binetruy |
Coupling between heat transfer and saturation: experimental investigation Vincent Sobotka (Université de Nantes, France) |
Impregnation of composites at the unit cell level Edwin Lamers (Reden BV, The Netherlands) |
Efficient method to characterize textile permeability as a function of fiber volume content with a single UD injection experiment (Comp A) Claudio di Fratta (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) |
Liquid Composite Moulding flow front characterization by Micro-CT Matthew Streeter (University of Southampton, United Kingdom) |
Conference closure at Thermo-Plastic composite Research Centre (TPRC) |
Influence of preforming technology on het out-of-plane impregnation behavior of textiles (Comp A) David Becker (Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH, Germany) |
Monitoring non-isothermal polymerization and crystallization of cyclic butylene terephthalate composites manufactured by RTM Inigo Ortiz de Mendibil (Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain) |
Rigid tooling for optical 3D wetting permeability measurements Andrew George (Brigham Young University, United States) |
Increasing the robustness and reliability of cfrp production processes through systematic analysis and process monitoring Christopher Buchmann (EADS Innovation Works, Germany) |
Permeability Benchmark discussion François Trochu (Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Canada) |
Session IX: Innovative Processes Chair: Paolo Ermanni |
Reception at City Hall Enschede | Development of an innovative preforming process for the high-volume automotive sector Maximilian Marquart (BMW AG, Germany) |
International Scientific Committee meeting | Tool vibrations for the advancement of the vacuum Infusion process Nikos Pantalelis (Synthesites Innovative Technologies, Greece) |
In-mould gel-coating with a separator layer John Summerscales (Plymouth University, United Kingdom) |
Effect of surface treatment for continuous fibers on impregnation and mechanical properties of thermoplastic composites Akio Ohtani (Gifu University, Japan) |
L Gascón, JA García, F LeBel, E Ruiz and F. Trochu, Numerical prediction of saturation in dual scale fibrous reinforcements during Liquid Composite Molding, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, October 2015, 77, 275-284. | ||
Conference Dinner at Bloemenbeek |