Composites Design and Manufacture (University of Plymouth teaching support materials)
Periodic table.  Electron configuration of carbon atoms and molecules.

Some introductory chemistry

For an introduction to the Periodic Table of the Elements, see: see for example

Most polymers are based on the element carbon (the sixth element in the Periodic Table).  An understanding of basic organic (i.e. carbon) chemistry will permit sensible conversations with materials suppliers later in your career.

*.. on PC, you will need the Cortona3D Viewer plug-in for your browser to view the virtual reality animations below
 .. on Apple, you will need FreeWRL VRML/X3D Viewer plug-in for your browser to view the virtual reality animations below
- position the mouse pointer over the image then hold down the main button while moving the mouse to get movement.

I recommend that you take a while to study the following sequence of pages from Jim Clark's excellent Chemguide website, as they sensibly cover the key issues required for the chemical understanding of the materials used in polymers and composites:

When additional groups are bonded to the benzene ring the respectove positions have different names or numbers as indicated in Figure 1.  Bond positions notation against a reference position (R) are that numbering is clockwise and the lowest number is used (e.g. 2, not 6).

benzene ring position nomenclature
Figure 1: Benzene ring position nomenclature

Other resources for chemistry include:

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Updated by John Summerscales on 03-Nov-2023 15:32. Terms and conditions. Errors and omissions. Corrections.