Composites Design and Manufacture (Plymouth University teaching support materials)
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Where material has been published by another party, copyright is normally transferred to that party whilst retaining the right to "make copies (print or electronic) of the article for your own personal use, including for your own classroom teaching use" (the quoted words are from a recent Elsevier Transfer of Copyright Agreement, but similar rights are granted by most publishers).  The file marked here for "Download" is in a folder for which access is (or at least has been set up to be) limited to students and staff in the School of Engineering at the University of Plymouth.

For persons outside the University of Plymouth who do not have access to this material via their your own Library, I should be most happy to forward a reprint of journal articles (where I was included amongst the authors) on receipt of your request.  Unfortunately reprints of book chapters are not normally available, although I do have them for the process monitoring chapter.

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Updated by John Summerscales on 06-Jul-2015 15:23. Terms and conditions. Errors and omissions. Corrections.