2025   Roadmap:
joining and repair
  ~   ~  
2024   End-of-life
recreational vessels
1: UK    2: OSPAR
  National Materials Innovation Strategy
Henry Royce Institute
2023   Chemistry-enabled sustainable composites
  Materials and manufacturing vision 2050
UKRI Innovate UK
  Strategic Materials Agenda
Advanced Materials Institute
    How to manage fire, smoke and toxicity requirements when specifying composites
Exel Composites
  A roadmap on the implementation of the circular economy for end-of-life recreational boats
European Boating Industry
2021   Animate Materials: Perspective
The Royal Society
  Meeting the Greatest Challenge ... Net Zero
Composites Leadership Forum
2019   Increasing UK competitiveness by enhancing the composite materials regulatory infrastructure
~ End-of-Life management of fibre reinforced plastic vessels: alternatives to disposal at sea
2018   Bio-based and biodegradable plastic
in the UK

  ~  ~
2016   Lightening the Load: Delivering UK growth .. of composites
(UK Composites Strategy)

Composites UK
  Composites recycling: where are we now?
Composites UK
  Smart Materials: a review of auxetics in the UK
KTN (no longer available)
   Raising Ambition (Technology Strategy and Portfolio Update 2016)
Aerospace Technology Institute
 ~  ~
Skills and training for composites manufacturing and use in the UK

The above list is intended to be comprehensive for composites, but not extensive
e.g. polymers and adhesives are not included unless the guide is specific to use with composites.

References (in chronological order)

  1. Paul Lewis, Skills and training for composites manufacturing and use in the UK: an analysis, The Gatsby Charitable Foundation, London, 2013.
  2. Anon., Lightening the Load: Delivering UK growth through the multi-sector application of composites (The 2016 UK Composites Strategy), Composites Leadership Forum, Hemel Hempstead, 2016.
  3. S Job, G Leek, PT Mativenga, G Oliveux, S Pickering and NA Shuaib, Composites recycling: where are we now?, Composites UK, 2016.
  4. S Morris, A State of the Art Review of Smart Materials: a review of auxetics in the UK, Knowledge Transfer Network, March 2016.
  5. Anon., Raising Ambition (Technology Strategy and Portfolio Update 2016), Aerospace Technology Institute, Cranfield, 2016.
  6. A Higson (author) and M Goldsworthy (reviewer), Bio-based and biodegradabale plastic in the UK, National Non-Food Crops Centre, April 2018.
  7. S Giannis, MRL Gower, GD Sims, G Pask and G Edwards, Increasing UK competitiveness by enhancing the composite materials regulatory infrastructure, NPL Report MAT90, NPL Management Limited, Teddington, October 2019.
  8. S Bray, End-of-Life management of fibre reinforced plastic vessels: alternatives to disposal at sea, International Maritime Organization, London, 2019.
  9. Anon., Animate Materials, Royal Society Perspective DES 6757, London, February 2021.  ISBN 978-1-78252-515-8.
  10. Anon., Meeting the greatest challenge: how the UK composites sector will deliver Net Zero, Composites Leadership Forum, August 2021.
  11. Anon., A roadmap on the implementation of the circular economy for end-of-life recreational boats, European Boating Industry, Bruxelles ~ Belgium, February 2023.
  12. Anon., How to manage fire, smoke and toxicity requirements when specifying composites, Exel Composites, 2023.
  13. Anon., Strategic Materials Agenda,Advanced Materials Institute, April 2023.
  14. Anon., Materials and manufacturing vision 2050: Reimagining materials and manufacturing together, UKRI Innovate UK, 2023.
  15. Anon., Chemistry-enabled sustainable composites, Royal Society of Chemistry/National Composites Centre/Centre for Process Innovation, London, 2023.
  16. K Powell, B Cooper and S Letsinger, End of Life recreational vessels: work package 1 final report [UK], Defra/ResourceFutures, February 2023.
  17. K Powell, B Cooper and S Letsinger, End of Life recreational vessels: work package 2 final report [OSPAR], Defra/ResourceFutures, March 2023.
  18. C Zhang, B Wang, Y Wang, B Brown, J Weber, Z Liang, C Browning, L Kramer [87 references], Technology roadmap for composite joining and repair, Composites Part B: Engineering, 15 March 2025, 293, 112132.

Initial compilation coverted to webpage by John Summerscales on 17-Sep-2023 and updated on 14-Feb-2025 14:54 .
Terms and conditions. Errors and omissions. Corrections.