References (in chronological order)
- Paul Lewis, Skills and training for composites manufacturing and use in the UK: an analysis, The Gatsby Charitable Foundation, London, 2013.
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- S Job, G Leek, PT Mativenga, G Oliveux, S Pickering and NA Shuaib, Composites recycling: where are we now?, Composites UK, 2016.
- S Morris, A State of the Art Review of Smart Materials: a review of auxetics in the UK, Knowledge Transfer Network, March 2016.
- Anon., Raising Ambition (Technology Strategy and Portfolio Update 2016), Aerospace Technology Institute, Cranfield, 2016.
- A Higson (author) and M Goldsworthy (reviewer), Bio-based and biodegradabale plastic in the UK, National Non-Food Crops Centre, April 2018.
- S Giannis, MRL Gower, GD Sims, G Pask and G Edwards, Increasing UK competitiveness by enhancing the composite materials regulatory infrastructure, NPL Report MAT90, NPL Management Limited, Teddington, October 2019.
- S Bray, End-of-Life management of fibre reinforced plastic vessels: alternatives to disposal at sea, International Maritime Organization, London, 2019.
- Anon., Animate Materials, Royal Society Perspective DES 6757, London, February 2021. ISBN 978-1-78252-515-8.
- Anon., Meeting the greatest challenge: how the UK composites sector will deliver Net Zero, Composites Leadership Forum, August 2021.
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- K Powell, B Cooper and S Letsinger, End of Life recreational vessels: work package 1 final report [UK], Defra/ResourceFutures, February 2023.
- K Powell, B Cooper and S Letsinger, End of Life recreational vessels: work package 2 final report [OSPAR], Defra/ResourceFutures, March 2023.
- C Zhang, B Wang, Y Wang, B Brown, J Weber, Z Liang, C Browning, L Kramer [87 references], Technology roadmap for composite joining and repair, Composites Part B: Engineering, 15 March 2025, 293, 112132.
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14-Feb-2025 14:54
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