Composites Design and Manufacture (Plymouth University teaching support materials) Abbreviations and acronyms (including research projects/thematic networks). |
Explanation | Location/Reference/Context as appropriate | |
1LG | Monolayer graphene or single layer graphene | |
2-D | Two-dimensional | |
2FA | Two-factor authentication | |
2LG | Bilayer graphene | |
2-MeBO | 2-Methyl BenzOxazole | |
2-MeBT | 2-Methyl BenzoThiazole | |
2MM | Secondary Master Model for tooling | |
2V | Vacuum and vibration | |
3BL | Triple Bottom Line accounting | Economy - Environment - Equity or People - Planet - Profit |
3C | Communications, Computers and Consumer electronics | |
3D | Dirty, Dull and Dangerous | .. reasons for automation |
3-D | Three-dimensional | |
3-DEP | Three-dimensional engineered preforming | |
3-D GEMs | 3-D Genetically Engineered Micro/nano-devices | |
3DWC | Three-Dimensional Woven Composites | |
3DXRD | Three-Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction | |
3PL | Third Party Logistics | |
3R | Reduce, Refine, Replace | |
3S | Small, Smart, Safe | |
4-AFD | 4-AminoPhenylDisulphide | |
4Cs | Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity | |
4DPC | Four-dimensional printing of composites | |
4E | Energy, Exergy, Exergoeconomic and Enviroeconomic evaluation | |
4IR | Fourth Industrial Revolution | |
4 Vs | Variety, Velocity, Veracity, Volume | |
5 Rs | Refurbish, Reduce, Replace/Repair, Reuse/Recycle, Require (low carbon) | |
5 Vs | Value, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, Volume | |
7Cs | .. of resilience: confidence, control, coping, contribution, character, connection and competence | |
9R | 9 Circular Economy strategies | R0-R8 (see 10R below) |
10R | 10 Circular Economy strategies Potting et al, PBL Policy Report 2544, 2017. |
(R0) Refuse, (R1) Rethink, (R2) Reduce, (R3) Reuse, (R4) Repair, (R5) Refurbish, (R6) Remanufacture, (R7) Repurpose, (R8) Recycle and (R9) Recover. |
11R | 11 Framework of Circular Economy in the construction industry Çimen, J Clean Production, 2021. |
(R0) Refuse, (R1) Rethink, (R2) Reduce, (R3) Replace, (R4) Reuse, (R5) Repair, (R6) Refurbish, (R7) Remanufacture, (R8) Repurpose, (R9) Recycle and (R10) Recover. |
25 YEP | 25 Year Environment Plan |
A | Explanation | Location/Reference/Context as appropriate |
A4E | Airlines for Europe | the united voice of Europe’s leading airlines in Brussels |
a- | Atactic (normally preceding a polymer type) | |
A | frequency factor | |
AA | acetic anhydride | |
AA | acrylic acid | |
AA | Assigned Amounts | Quantity of GHG emissions in the context of Kyoto Protocol |
AACA | 2-diAllylAmino-4.6-diChloro-s-triAzine | |
AACoMa | Accelerate Advanced Composite Manufacturing | Maasticht University |
AAm | acrylamide | |
AAM | Advanced Air Mobility | |
AAMMC | American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center | |
AANC | Airworthiness Assurance NDI Validation Center | |
AAP | Acetyl acetone peroxide | Initiator for addition polymerisation/curing |
AAPP | Atmospheric Air Pressure Plasma | |
AAQA | Approval and Accreditation of Qualifications and Apprenticeships | |
AASHTO | American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials | Washington DC - USA |
ABAC | ABietic ACid | |
ABBS | Advanced Blast and Ballistic Systems | |
ABBSTRACT | Airbus, Bristol, Bath STrategic Research Alliance in Composites Technology | |
ABC | Activity Based Costing | |
ABC | Artificial Bee Colony | |
ABDA | Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association | |
ABR | Co-poly(butadiene-methylmethacrylate) R-group rubbers | |
ABRC | Advisory Board for the Research Councils | |
ABS | Access and Benefit-Sharing | |
ABS | poly(Acrylonitrile-co-Butadiene-co-Styrene) copolymer | |
AC | Advisory Circular | |
AC | Alternative Crops | |
AC72 | America's Cup 2013 72-foot catamarans | |
ACA | Advanced Composites Alliance | |
ACA | Anisotropic Conductive Adhesives | |
ACA | Automotive Composites Alliance | |
ACARE | Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe | |
ACAVP | Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Platform | UK Ministry of Defence |
ACC | Aqueous Counter Collision | |
ACCA | Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft | Lockheed Martion conversion of mid/aft fuselage and empennage of Dorneir 328J |
ACCC | Aluminum Conductor Composite Core | Composite Technology Corporation |
ACCEPT | Advancing Creative Circular Economies for Plastics via Technological-social transitions | Queen's University of Belfast - led by Professor David Rooney |
ACCIS | Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science | University of Bristol |
ACCLAIM | Automated Cabin and Cargo Lining And hatrack Installation Method | |
ACE | active chain end mechanism | |
ACE | Awards for Composites Excellence | American Composites Manufacturers Association |
ACED | Association of Civil Engineering Departments | |
ACEE | Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition | |
ACerS | American Ceramics Society | Westerville OH - USA |
ACFM | Alternating Current Field Measurement | |
ACIS | Automated Composites Inspection System | McLaren Automotive |
ACL | Advanced Composites Letters | |
ACLAIM | Advanced Composite Life Assessment and Integrity Management | DTI Technology Programme - April 2004 competition |
ACLV | Affordable Composites for Lightweight Vehicles | |
ACMA | American Composites Manufacturers Association | United States organisation - formerly CFA |
ACMC | Advanced Composites Manufacturing Centre | University of Plymouth |
ACME | Applications of Computers in Manufacturing Engineering Directorate | |
ACMG | Airline Costs Management Group | |
ACMO | 4-acryloylmorpholine | |
ACNF | Activated Carbon NanoFibres | |
ACO | Ant Colony Optimisation | |
ACoD | Anaerobic Co-Digestion | |
ACOST | Advisory Council on Science and Technology | Now CST |
ACP | Advanced Composites Project | NASA Langley Research Center Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate |
ACPHB | Acetone-treated PHB | |
ACPLLA | Acetone-treated PLLA | |
ACRES | Affordable Composites from Renewable Sources | University of Delaware |
ACRIM | All Composite Reduced Inertia Modular Wheels | |
ACRTM | Articulated Continuous Resin Transfer Moulding | |
ACS | Advanced Course Studentships | |
ACSG | Advanced Composites Structures Group | University of Sheffield |
ACSISTM | Automated Composite Structure Inspection System | Ingersoll Machine Tools |
ACTOR | At-sea capability Testing for Offshore Renewables | |
ACTUV | Anti-submarine warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel | |
ACV | Air Cushion Vehicle | |
ACV | Amphibious Combat Vehicle | |
ACV | Apple Cider Vinegar | |
ACW | Asbestos Containing Waste | |
AD | Acetone Dried | |
ADA | Acceptance Decision Algorithm | |
ADACS | Analysis & Design of Aerospace Composites Structures | |
ADAM | Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing | |
ADAM4EVE | ADAptive and smart Materials and structures for more Efficient VEssels | |
ADAMS | Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems | NREL/Germanischer Lloyd code for design of wind turbine blades |
ADDCUR | ADDitively manufactured CURe Tooling | |
ADDICT | Alcohol-Drugs-Drowning-Infant-Choking-Trauma | Emergency First Aid flow chart for non-breathing casualty |
ADDRESS | ADvanced Dynamic REpair Solutions for Sustainable composites | Bristol Composites Institute |
ADEME | Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Énergie | French Agency for Ecological Transition |
ADF | Acid Detergent Fibre | |
ADFP | Automated Dry Fiber Placement | |
ADFRC | Highly Aligned Discontinuous Fibre Reinforced Composites | |
AdhFASTTM | Fastener to revolutionise adhesive use | Assembly Automation, 02/06/2000, 20(2), 170-176. |
ADI | Alternating Direction Implicit | |
A-DISC | Adaptive DIscrete Smeared Crack model | |
ADL | Acid Detergent Lignin | |
ADL | Allowable Design Limit | |
ADMET | acyclic diene metathesis polymerisation | |
ADMP | Automated Dry Material Placement | |
ADNOC | Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. | |
ADP | Abiotic Depletion Potential (EICF) | |
ADR | Automatic Defect Recognition | |
ADTB | Acacia Dealbata Tree Bark (dye) | |
ADVISE | Advanced Dynamic Validations using Integrated Simulation and Experimentation | |
AE | Acoustic Emission (NDT/proof testing technique) | |
AEB | Adult Education Budget | |
AECMA | Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial | European Aerospace Trade Federation |
AEF | Academic Employment Function | Codes returned to HESA |
AEG | [International] Aerospace Environmental Group | |
AeIGT | Aerospace Innovation and Growth Team | |
AEM | Analytical Electron Microscope | |
AEM | Auger Electron Microscopy | |
AEMTA | Advanced Electrical Machines Technologies for Aircraft | |
AEP | Applied Engineering Programme | University of Warwick |
AEP | N-aminoethylpiperazine | curing agent for epoxy resin |
AeroSME | AeroSME encourages SME participation in the EU FP RTD | |
AES | Achieving Excellence Systems | |
AESICOM | Agrupación Española de Industrias de Composites | Spanish Association of Composites Industries |
AESL | Acoustic Emission Source Location | |
AESO | Acrylated Epoxidised Soybean Oil | |
AEWC | Advanced Engineered Wood Composites Center | University of Maine |
AF | Aluminium flakes | |
AFC | Active Flow Control | |
AFEM | Advanced/Augmented Finite Element Method | |
AFFF | Aqueous Fire-Fighting Foam | |
AFFT | Aligned Formable Fibre TechnologyTM | LiNEAT Composites unidirectional aligned discontinuous fibre tape |
AFM | Advanced Fiber Modeler | Simulayt - Woking |
AFM | Aerodynamic Figure of Merit | |
AFM | Atomic Force Microscopy | |
AFMP | Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons | |
AFNOR | Association Francaise de NORmalisation | Saint Denis La Plaine - France |
AFOLU | Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use | |
AFP | Advanced Fire Protection | Fyfe Company LLC Tyfo® system |
AFP | Automated Fibre Placement | |
AFRA | Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association | |
AFRC | Advanced Forming Research Centre | University of Strathclyde |
AFRC | Agricultural and Food Research Council | Now incorporated into BBSRC |
AFOLU | Agriculture, FOrestry and Land-Use | |
AFRP | Aramid Fibre Reinforced Plastics | |
AFT | Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer | Vitrimers |
AG | Advisory Group | |
AGATE | Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments (NIAR) | |
AGC | Arrival, Gel, Cure sensor (Plastech TT Limited) | |
AGE | Advisory Group on Energy | Horizon 2020 Expert Advisory Group |
AGEC | Aerodynamic Ground Effect Craft | German term for WIG boat |
AGI | Artificial General Intelligence | |
AHC | Alan Harper Composites | |
AHEP | Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes | |
AHP | Analytic Hierarchy Process | |
AI | Angle Interlock 3D woven preforms | |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | |
AIAG | Automotive Industry Action Group (USA) | |
AIB | Amorphous Interlayer Bonding | |
AIBN | 2,2'-azobisisobutyronitrile | |
AILO | Association of Industrial Liason Officers | |
AIM | Advanced Imaging of Materials | University of Swansea facility |
AIN | Aerospace Innovation Networks | |
AIR | Agriculture & Agro-Industry incl. Fisheries Research and Technological Development | EU Framework Programme 3 (1990-1996) |
AIREX | Air Explosion | |
AIRPOWER | Affordable Innovative Rapid Production of Offshore Wind Energy Rotor blades | |
AIS | Accessible Information Standard | |
AIRTeC | Aerospace Integrated Research and Test Centre | Airbus facility in Bristol |
AITM | Airbus Industries Test Method | |
aka | Also Known As | |
AKD | Alkyl Ketone Dimer | |
ALAN | Artificial Light At Night | |
ALARP | As Low As Reasonably Practicable | |
ALBOS | Affordable Lightweight BOdy Structures | Department for Transport |
ALC | Aircraft Light Communication | |
ALC | Automated Laminating Cell | |
ALCA | Attributional Life Cycle Assessment | |
ALCAS | Advanced Low-Cost Aircraft Structures | EU Framework 6, 2005-2009 |
ALD | Atomic Layer Deposition | |
ALDFG | Abandoned, Lost or Discarded Fishing Gear | |
ALE | Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation for flow problems | |
ALE | Atomic Layer Etch | |
ALF | Acacia leucophloea fibres | |
ALL | Advanced Learner Loan | |
ALM | All Lives Matter | |
ALO | Agricultural Land Occupation | |
ALOP | Agricultural Land Occupation Potential | |
ALPS | Advanced Low Pressure System | EU Clean Sky engine project |
-alt- | - alternating copolymer with - | |
ALTO | A? Laminate Taper Optimisation | ACCIS Bristol |
AM | activated monomer mechanism | |
AM | Active Matrix displays | |
AM | After Market | |
AM | Additive Manufacturing | |
AM | Ante Meridiem | Before midday (noon) |
AMATHO | Additive MAnufacturing Tilt-rotor HOusing | |
AMBER | Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research | Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with University College Cork and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). |
AMC | Aluminium Matrix Composite | |
AMCAPS | Affordable Manufacture of Composite Primary Structures | I = first phase, II = second phase |
AMCM | Additive Manufacturing Compression Molding | Orbital Composites with ORNL |
AMD | Acid Mine Drainage | |
AMD | Availability Minus Demand | |
AMF | Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi | |
AMGA | Annotated Model Grant Agreement | |
AMIC | Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre | Belfast Regional City Deal project |
AMIDE | Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing Infrastructure Development and Education Alliance | |
AML | Angle ply percentage Minus Longitudinal ply percentage | |
AMLC | Advanced Materials Leadership Council | |
AMMR | Asset Management, Maintenance and Reliability | |
AMOC | Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation | a climate change issue |
AM-OLED | Active Matrix - Organic Light Emitting Diode | |
AMPLiFII | Automated Module-to-pack Pilot Line For Industrial Innovation | |
AMR | Anti-Microbial Resistance | |
AMR | Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre | University of Sheffield at Rotherham |
AMRICC | Applied Materials Research, Innovation & Commercialisation Company | Stone, Staffordshire |
AMSB | Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies | |
AMSCI | Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative | |
AN | acrylonitrile | |
ANA | Automated Nanomechnical Analysis | |
ANAF | Aramid Nanofiber Aerogel Fibres | |
ANDM | A Novel Defect detection Method | |
ANDP | Adjusted Net Domestic Product | |
ANDSCAN | Ultrasonic non-destructive testing | Registered Trademark of QinetiQ Limited |
ANFIS | Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System | |
ANFS | Aramid NanoFiber Sheet | |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network | |
ANNIRSA | ANN-Introduced enhanced version of the Reptile Search Algorithm (IRSA) | |
ANOVA | ANalysis Of VAriations | |
ANP | Analytic Network Process | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | |
AO | Atomic Oxygen | |
AoA | Analysis of Alternatives | |
AoA | Angle of Attack | |
AoC | Aspergillus oryzae cutinase | |
AoI | Area of Interest | |
AOX | Absorbable Organic Halogen Compounds | ISO14044:2006(E) |
AP | Access Point | |
AP | Acidification Potential (EICF) | |
AP | Anionic Polymerisation | |
AP | Armour Piercing | |
APA | Academic Professional Apprenticeship | |
APB | Anti-Phase Boundary | |
APC | Article Processing Charges | |
APCC | Asian Pacific Coconut Community | |
APDL | ANSYS Parametric Design Language | |
APE | 3-AminoPropyltriEthoxysilane | |
APER | Association pour la Plaisance Eco-Responsable | sector for deconstruction of leisure boats |
APET | Amorphous PolyEthylene Terephthalate | |
APGD | Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge | |
APH | 1-acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine | |
APHA | Animal and Plant Health Agency | |
API | Active Pharmceutical Ingredient | |
API | Application Programming Interfaces | |
APIaas | Application Programming Interfaces as a Service | Cloud computing |
APM | Advanced Pore Morphology foam | |
APM | Advanced Production Machines | ACME technology theme |
APM | 3-AminoPropyltriMethoxysilane | |
APME | Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe | |
APP | Ability to Pay Principle | |
APP | Advanced Ply Placement | |
aPP | Atactic Poly(Propylene) | |
APP | Authorised Push Payment | scams |
APPG | All-Party Parliamentary Group | |
APPI | Atmospheric Pressure Photo-Ionisation | |
AP-PLY | Advanced Placed Ply | |
APPT | Atmospheric Plasma Pressure Technology/Treatment | |
APR | Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry | |
APR | Aqueous Phase Reforming | |
APS | γ-aminopropyltriethoxy silane | |
APSOH | Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull Mounted | Indian Navy |
APT | Aqua Power Technologies Limited | |
AptiForm | Manufacture of complex components from self-reinforced plastics | |
APTES | (3-Amino Propyl) TriEthoxy Silane | |
APTS | γ-Amino Propyl Triethoxy Silane | |
AQB | Authorised Qualifying Body | |
AR | Assessment Report | Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change |
AR | Augmented Reality | |
ARALL | Aramid Reinforced Aluminium Laminate | |
ARBS | Algorithmic and Rule-based Blackboard System | |
ARCHE | Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe | |
ARCS | Affordable high-Rate Composite Structures | |
ARDS | Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome | |
ARE | Advanced Rear End | Clean Sky 2 demonstrator |
AREA | Anticipate, Reflect, Engage and Act | |
ARGET | Activators ReGenerated by Electron Transfer | |
ARIA | Advanced Research and Invention Agency | |
ARIES | Advanced Research and Innovation in Environmental Science doctoral training partnership | |
ARMO | Alliance of Rotational Moulding Organisations | |
ARMPITS | Achievable - Realistic _ Measurable - Positive - IMPORTANT - Timebound - Specific | Replaces SMART |
AROMP | alternating ringopening metathesis polymerization | |
AROP | anionic activated ring opening polymerisation | |
ARP | Ammonia Recycle Percolation | |
ARPA | US Advanced Research Projects Agency | now DARPA |
ART | Algebraic Reconstruction Technique | |
ART | Automotive Repair Technology | |
ARTM | Advanced Resin Transfer Moulding | |
ARTS | Adaptive and Responsive Textile Structures | |
AS | As Spun | |
ASA | Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate copolymer | |
ASA | Alk(en)yl Succinic Anhydride | |
ASAP | Advanced Structures Assembly Process | |
ASC | Alternative Specific Constants | |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers | |
ASCEND | Aeronatical and automotive Supply Chain ENabled Development | GKN Reddith collabortive project: £40M via Aerospace Technology Initiative and £20M from industry. |
ASDA | Age - Site - Depth - Area | Emergency First Aid on burns |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations | |
ASF | Audi Space Frame | |
ASF | Automated Stiffener Forming | |
ASGS | Algebraic Sub-Grid Scale | |
ASHMOD | Austrian Structural Health Monitoring system Demonstrator | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH |
ASHP | Air Source Heat Pump | |
ASID | Advanced Structural integrated Demonstrator | |
A-SMC | Advanced Sheet Molding Compound | |
ASMD | Automatic Specimen Measuring Device | |
ASR | Addition-type Silicone Rubbers | |
ASR | Automotive Shredder Residue | |
ASSET | Advanced Structural Systems for Tomorrow's Infrastructure | EU Funded project with Intersect, Cranfield & City universities |
ASSET | Athena Survey of Science, Engineering and Technology | |
ASSP | Autonomous Synchronised Stabilised Platform | |
ASTEC | Aircraft Structural Test and Evaluation Center | |
ASTM | ASTM International | Formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials |
ASTRA | Advanced Structures Technology and Revolutionary Architecture | Spirit AeroSystems, Wichita KS |
ASTREA | Autonomous System Technology - Related Airborne Assessment and Evaluation | |
ASW | Anti-Submarine Warfare | |
ATAS | Academic Technology Approval Scheme | |
ATAS | Active Towed Array Sonar | |
ATBN | Amine-Terminated liquid NBR | |
ATC | AcetylTriethylCitrate plasticiser | |
ATC | Air Traffic Control | |
ATDS | Anti-Torpedo Defence System | |
ATI | Adherent Technologies Incorporated | |
ATI | Aerospace Technology Institute | |
ATI | Appropriate Technology International | |
ATL | Automated Tape Laying | |
ATLAM | Automated Tape layering Additive Manufacturing | |
ATM | Accelerated Testing Methodology | |
ATMET | Acyclic Triene Metathesis | |
ATNRP | Atom Transfer Nitroxide Radical Polymerisation | |
ATO | Approved Training Organisation | |
ATOM | Aeroelastic Turbine Optimisation Methods | University of Bristol wind turbine software |
ATP | Aquatic Toxicity Potential (EICF) | |
ATRm | Alternative Transitional Registration model | UK post-Brexit REACh system |
ATR | Attenuated Total Reflection | |
ATRP | Atom Transfer Radical Polymerisation | |
ATS | Applicant Tracking System | WebOfJobs |
ATSG | Aerospace Technology Steering Group | |
ATT | [submarine] Aft Tilt Tank | |
ATTOL | Autonomous Taxi Take-Off and Landing | |
ATTOM | Affordable Tidal Turbines via Optimised Manufacture | |
ATVP | Aerospace Technology Validation Programmes | |
AU | Acousto-Ultrasonics | |
AU | Polyesterurethane U-group rubbers | |
AUI | Acceptable Ultimate Integrity | |
AUSV | Autonomous unmanned sea vessel | |
AUT | Automated Ultrasonic Testing | |
AutoWDA | Automatic Welding Defect Assesssment | |
AuxetNet | Auxetic Materials Network | University of Bolton |
AV | Applied Voltage | |
AV | Avicell paper | |
AVA | Associative Vehicle Architecture | JLR |
A-VARTM | Advanced VARTM | Mitsubishi/Toray |
AVASA | Arbitrary Virtual Array Source Aperture | |
AVGAS | Aviation gasoline/spirit | |
AVOID | Airborne Volcanic Object Imaging Detector | |
AWARE | Action on Waste Awareness and Resource Efficiency | BRE (trading name of Building Research Establishment Limited) |
AWARE | Available WAter REmaining | |
AWCB | Agricultural Waste, Co-products and By-products | |
AWIC | Advanced Wing Integration Centre | |
AYRS | Amateur Yacht Research Society | |
AZL | Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production | Aachener Zentrum für Integrativen Leichtbau |