Dessicated flax plant from ND batch 10. Composite image by Julien Duboscq. |
This document aims to provide a bibliography for key publications on bast (plant stem) fibres and their composites.
Chapter 1: Fibres
- Ryszard Michal Kozlowski and Malgorzata Muzyczek (editors), Natural Fibers: properties, mechanical behavior, functionalization and applications, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppage NY, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-53612-071-4.
- F Reux and I Verpoest (editors), Flax and hemp fibres: a natural solution for the composites industry, JEC Composites, Paris, 2012. ISBN 978-2-95262761-0.
- R R Franck (editor), Bast and other plant fibres, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, March 2005. ISBN 1-85573-684-5.
- AK Mohanty, M Misra and LT Drzal, Natural fibers, biopolymers, and biocomposites, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton FL, 2005. ISBN 978-0-8493-1741-5.
- FT Wallenberger and N Weston, Natural fibers, plastics and composites, Springer, 2004, ISBN 978-1-4020-7643-5.
- J Summerscales and C Gwinnett, Forensic identification of bast fibres, Chapter 5 in Dipa Ray (editor), The Industrial Development of High-Performance Biocomposites, Elsevier/Woodhead, June 2017, 125-164. ISBN 978-0-08-100793-8.
- M Zimniewska, M Wladyka-Przybylak and J Mankowski, Cellulosic bast fibers, their structure and properties suitable for composite applications, In S Kalia, B Kaith and I Kaur (editors): Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer Composites, Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2011, 97-119. ISBN 978-3-642-17369-1.
- S Palanisamy, TM Murugesan, M Palaniappan, C Santulli, N Ayrilmis and A Alavudeen, Selection and processing of natural fibers and nanocellulose for biocomposite applications: a brief review, BioResources 19(1), [page numbers to follow]
- Y Kaushik, S Keawsawasvong, N Sooriyaperakasam, U Rathee and N Naik, A mini review of natural cellulosic fibers: extraction, treatment and characterization methods, Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Managaement, March-April 2023, 2(2), 23057.
- P Stavropoulos, A Mavroeidis, G Papadopoulos, I Roussis, D Bilalis and I Kakabouki, On the path towards a “Greener” EU: a mini review on flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) as a case study, Plants 2023, 12(5), 1102.
- A Karimah, MdR Ridho, SS Munawar, Ismadi, Y Amin, R Damayanti, MdAR Lubis, AP Wulandari, Nurindah, AH Iswanto, A Fudholi, M Asrofi, E Saedah, NH Sari, BR Pratama , W Fatriasari, DS Nawawi, SM Rangappa and S Siengchin, Comprehensive review on natural fibers: technological and socio-economical aspects, Polymers, 2021, 13(24), 4280.
- NA Akram, F Shafiq, Md Ashraf, Md Iqbal and P Ahmad, Advances in salt tolerance of some major fiber crops through classical and advanced biotechnological tools: a review, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2021, 40, 891-905.
- J Summerscales, A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 4: organisms and enzymes, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, January 2021, 140, 106149.
- MR Sanjay, S Siengchin, J Parameswaranpillai, Md Jawaid, CI Pruncu and A Khane, A comprehensive review of techniques for natural fibers as reinforcement in composites: preparation, processing and characterization, Carbohydrate Polymers, 1 March 2019, 207, 108-121.
- V Sadrmanesh and Y Chen, Bast fibres: structure, processing, properties, and applications, International Materials Reviews, 2019, 64(7), 381-406
- P Madhu, MR Sanjay, P Senthamaraikannan, S Pradeep, SS Saravanakumar and B Yogesha, A review on synthesis and characterization of commercially available natural fibers: Part-I, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2019, 16(8), 1132-1144.
- P Madhu, MR Sanjay, P Senthamaraikannan, S Pradeep, SS Saravanakumar and B Yogesha, A review on synthesis and characterization of commercially available natural fibers: Part II, Journal of Natural Fibres, 2019, 16(1), 25-36.
- K Arun Kumar, S Madhu Sudhanan, K Mahesh Kumar and G Ranjith Kumar, A study on properties of natural fibres - a review, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), October 2017, 4(10), 1343-1350.
- DU Shah, RK Nag, MJ Clifford [~49 references], Why do we observe significant differences between measured and ‘back-calculated’ properties of natural fibres?, Cellulose, 2016, 23(3), 1481–1490.
- S Vanishree and SD Kulloli, An overview of [sun]hemp fibre, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Management Research (IJESMR), February 2016, 3(2), 4 pp.
- SK Ramamoorthy, M Skrifvars and A Persson, A review of natural fibers used in biocomposites: plant, animal and regenerated cellulose fibers, Polymer Reviews, 2015, 55(1), 107-162.
- KP Kumar and ASJ Sekaran, Some natural fibers used in polymer composites and their extraction processes: a review, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2014, 33(20), 1879-1892.
- MK Deyholosa and Simon Potter, Engineering bast fiber feedstocks for use in composite materials, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, January 2014, 3(1), 53-57.
- A Célino, S Fréour, F Jacquemin and P Casari, The hygroscopic behavior of plant fibers: a review, Frontiers in Chemistry, January 2014, 1(43), 1-12.
- M Hughes, Defects in natural fibres: their origin, characteristics and implications for natural fibre-reinforced composites, Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47(2), 599-609.
- A Kicińska-Jakubowska, E Bogacz and M Zimniewska, Review of natural fibers. Part I — vegetable fibers, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2012, 9(3), 150-167.
- D Chandramohan and K Marimuthu, A review on natural fibers, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences (IJRRAS), August 2011, 8(2), 194-206.
- J Summerscales, N Dissanayake, W Hall and AS Virk, A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 1: fibres as reinforcements, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, October 2010, 41(10), 1329-1335.
- J Biagiotti, D Puglia and JM Kenny, A review on natural fibre-based composites Part I: structure, processing and properties of vegetable fibres, Journal of Natural Fibres, 2004, 1(2), 37-68.
Flax and linseed
- S Kumar, K Pathania and P Sharma, Genetics of Linseed/Flax: genetic analysis for seed yield and other traits with molecular characterization for disease resistance in flax, Linum u, Lambert Academic Press, 6 Nov 2012. ISBN 978-3-659-29487-7.
- AD Muir and ND Westcott, Flax: the genus linum, CRC Press, London, 2003. ISBN: 978-0-415-30807-6.
- HSS Sharma and CF van Sumere, The biology and processing of flax, M Publications, Belfast, 1992. ISBN 0-951996-30-4.
- JA Turner, Linseed law: a handbook for growers and advisers, BASF, Hadleigh, 1987. ISBN 0-950275-22-0.
- P Stavropoulos, A Mavroeidis, G Papadopoulos, I Roussis, D Bilalis and I Kakabouki, On the path towards a “Greener” EU: a mini review on flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) as a case study, Plants, 2023, 12(5), 1102.
- E Richely, A Bourmaud, V Placet, S Guessasma and J Beaugrand, A critical review of the ultrastructure, mechanics and modelling of flax fibres and their defects, Progress in Materials Science, February 2022, 124, 100851.
- Q-H Kang, W-D Jiang, X-X Song, Z-Y Sun, H-M Yuan, Y-B Yao, W-G Huang, D-W Xie, Y Yu, J Chen and Y-Y Hu, Study Progress of Apomixis in Flax (Linum Usitatissimum L.), Journal of Natural Fibers, 2021, 18(1), 1-11.
- C Baley, M Gomina, J Breard, A Bourmaud and P Davies, Variability of mechanical properties of flax fibres for composite reinforcement: a review, Industrial Crops and Products, March 2020, 145, 111984.
- N Brutch, I Matvienko, E Porokhovinova, A Pavlov, J Nozkova and V Koshkin, Effect of photoperiod on Linum usitatissimum L. characters, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2020, 17(9), 1345-1354.
- A Moudood, A Rahman, A Öchsner, M Islam and G Francucci, Flax fiber and its composites: an overview of water and moisture absorption impact on their performance, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2019, 38(7), 323-339.
- J De Prez, AW Van Vuure, J Ivens, G Aerts, I Van de Voorde, Enzymatic treatment of flax for use in composites, Biotechnology Reports, December 2018, 20, e00294.
- S Maity, D Prasad Gon and P Paul, A review of flax nonwovens: manufacturing, properties and applications, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2014, 11(4), 365-390.
- GR Nair, D Rho and GS Vijaya Raghavan, Application of electro-technologies in processing of flax fiber, Fibers, 2013, 1(2), 21-35.
- C Morvan, C Andème-Onzighi, R Girault, DS Himmelsbach, A Driouich and DE Akin, Building flax fibres: more than one brick in the walls, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, November 2003, 41(11–12), 935-944.
- A Stamboulis, CA Baillie and T Peijs, Effects of environmental conditions on mechanical and physical properties of flax fibers, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, August 2001, 32(8), 1105-1115.
- Richard Allison, Why flax for fibre could reappear in arable rotations, Farmers Weekly, 27 December 2023.
- CM Andre, J-F Hausman and G Guerriero, Cannabis sativa: the plant of the thousand and one molecules, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7, article 19, 1-17.
- A Shahzad, Hemp fiber and its composites - a review, Journal of Composite Materials, April 2012, 46(8), 973-986.
- Richard Weightman and Daniel Kindred, Review and analysis of breeding and regulation of hemp and flax varieties available for growing in the UK, Project NF0530 Final report for The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, November 2005.
- DR Enarevba and KR Haapala, The emerging hemp industry: a review of industrial hemp materials and product manufacturing, AgriEngineering 2024, 6(3), 2891-2925.
- J Mariz, C Guise, TL Silva, L Rodrigues and CJ Silva, Hemp: from field to fiber - a review, Textiles, 2024, 4(2), 165-182.
- HT Rheay, EC Omondi and CE Brewer, Research Review: Potential of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for paired phytoremediation and bioenergy production, GCB_Bioenergy, accepted article, 15 November 2020.
- J Müssig, S Amaducci, A Bourmaud, J Beaugrand and DU Shah, Transdisciplinary top-down review of hemp fibre composites: from an advanced product design to crop variety selection – a critical review, Composites Part C: Open Access, October 2020, 2, 100010.
- AG Duque Schumacher, S Pequito and J Pazour, Industrial hemp fiber: a sustainable and economical alternative to cotton, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 September 2020, 268, 122180.
- H Singh, JIP Singh, S Sehijpal, V Dhawan and SK Tiwari, A brief review of jute fibre and its composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, January 2018, 5(14), 28427-28437.
- D Venkata Rao, K Srinivas and A Lakshumu Naidu, A review on jute stem fiber and its composites, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), September 2017, 6(1) [bibliographic detail from ResearchGate download not confirmed by IJETT website!]
- S Pujari, A Ramakrishna and M Suresh Kumar, Comparison of jute and banana fiber composites: a review, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET), February 2014, 4(SI2), 121-126.
- BS Mahapatra, S Mitra, M Kumar, AK Ghorai, SK Sarkar, CS Kar, DK Kundu, S Satpathy and PG Karmaker, An overview of research and development in jute and allied fibre crops in India, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 2012, 57(3s), 72-82.
- LK Nayak, L Ammayappan and DP Ray, Conversion of jute caddies (jute mill waste) into value added products: a review, Asian Journal of Textile, 2012, 2(1), 1-5.
- BS Mahapatra, S Mitra, MK Sinha and AK Ghorai, Research and development in jute (Corchorus sp.) and allied fibres in India ~ a review, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 2009, 54(4), 361-373.
- SM Sapuan, MR Ishak, J Sahari and MdL Sanyang (editors), Kenaf Fibers and Composites, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2018. ISBN 978-1-4987-5342-5,
- HT Sreenivas, N Krishnamurthy and GR Arpitha, A comprehensive review on light weight kenaf fiber for automobilesInternational Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, December 2020, 3(4), 328-337.
- P Ramesh, B Durga Prasad, KL Narayana, Characterization of kenaf fiber and its composites: a review, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2018, 37(11), 731-737.
- R Ayadi, M Hanana, R Mzid, L Hamrouni, MI Khouja and A Salhi Hanachi, Hibiscus cannabinus L. – kenaf: a review paper, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2017, 14(4), 466-484.
- M Ramesh, Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) fibre based bio-materials: a review on processing and properties, Progress in Materials Science, June 2016, 78-79, 1-92.
- OE Babatunde, JMd Yatim, MdY Ishak, R Masoud and R Meisam, Potentials of kenaf fibre in bio-composite production: a review, Jurnal Teknologi, 17 November 2015, 77(12) 23-30.
- Z Yusoff and Z Mohamad, Review of research activities on kenaf reinforced composites, Journal of Petrochemical Engineering Department Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, 2015, 1(1), 25-33.
- I Kamal, MdZ Thirmizir, G Beyer, MdJ Saad, NAA Rashid and YA Kadir, Kenaf for biocomposite: an overview, Journal of Science and Technology, 2014, 6(2), 41-65.
- HM Akil, MF Omar, AAM Mazuki, S Safiee, ZAM Ishak and A Abu Bakar, Kenaf fiber reinforced composites: a review, Materials & Design, September 2011, 32(8-9), 4107-4121.
- MR Ishak, Z Leman, SM Sapuan, AMM Edeerozey and IS Othman, Mechanical properties of kenaf bast and core fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester composites, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2010, 11, 012006. 9th National Symposium on Polymeric Materials (NSPM 2009).
- I-M Toplicean, R-D Ianuş and A-D Datcu, An overview on nettle studies, compounds, processing and the relation with circular bioeconomy, Plants, 2024, 13(24), 3529.
- F Bogard, T Bach, B Abbes, C Bliard, C Maalouf, V Bogard, F Beaumont and G Polidori, A comparative review of nettle and ramie fiber and their use in biocomposites, particularly with a PLA matrix, Journal of Natural Fibres, 2022, 19(14), 8205-8229.
- CR Vogl and A Hartl, Production and processing of organically grown fiber nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and its potential use in the natural textile industry: a review, American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, 2003, 18, 119-128.
- R Nadlene, SM Sapuan, M Jawaid, MR Ishak and L Yusriah, A review on roselle fiber and its composites, Journal of Natural Fibres, 30 December 2016, 13(1), 10-41.
- M Thiruchitrambalam, A Athijayamani, S Sathiyamurthy and A Syed Abu Thaheer, A review on the natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites for the development of roselle fiber-reinforced polyester composite, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2010, 7(4), 307-323.
- L Sisti, G Totaro, M Vannini and A Celli, Retting process as a pretreatment of natural fibers for the development of polymer composites, Chapter 2 in S Kalia (editor), Lignocellulosic Composite Materials, Springer, 2018, 97-135. ISBN 978-3-319-68695-0.
- M Angulu and H-J Gusovius, Retting of bast fiber crops like hemp and flax - a review for classification of procedures, Fibers, 2024, 12(3), 28.
- P Lyu, Y Zhang, X Wang and C Hurren, Degumming methods for bast fibers — a mini review, Industrial Crops and Products, 15 December 2021, 174, 14158.
- C Djemiel, E Goulas, N Badalato, B Chabbert, S Hawkins and S Grec, Targeted metagenomics of retting in flax: the beginning of the quest to harness the secret powers of the microbiota, Frontiers in Genetics: Plant Genomics, 27 October 2020, 11, 1246 (581664).
- CH Lee, A Khalina, SH Lee, and M Liu, A comprehensive review on bast fibre retting process for optimal performance in fibre-reinforced polymer composites, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, Article ID 6074063.
- D Yadav, S Yadav, R Dwivedi, G Anand and PK Yadav, Potential of microbial enzymes in retting of natural fibers: a review, Current Biochemical Engineering, 2016, 3(2), 89-99.
- GR Nair, D Rho and GS Vijaya Raghavan, Application of electro-technologies in processing of flax fiber, MDPI Fibers, 2013, 1(2), 21-35.
- MdT Paridah, AB Basher, S SaifulAzry and Z Ahmed, Retting process of some bast plant fibres and its effect on fibre quality: a review, BioResources, 2011, 6(4), 5260-5281.
- RS Jayani, S Saxena and R Gupta, Microbial pectinolytic enzymes: a review, Process Biochemistry, September 2005, 40(9), 2931-2944.
- Z Ahmed and F Akhter, Jute retting: an overview, Journal of Biological Sciences, 2001, 1(7), 685-688.
- HSS Sharma, PC Mercer and AE Brown, A review of recent research on the retting of flax in Northern Ireland, International Biodeterioration, 1989, 25(5), 327-342.
Chapter 2: Composites (review papers limited to post-2009 publications - a complementary comprehensive list can be found here)
- N Karak (editor): Advances in Biocomposites and their Applications, Elsevier, 21 February 2024. eBook ISBN 978-0-443-19075-9. paperback ISBN Paperback ISBN 978-0-443-19074-2.
- MdZ Islam, MdE Sarker, MdM Rahman, MdR Islam, ATMF Ahmed, MdS Mahmud, Md Syduzzaman, Green composites from natural fibers and biopolymers: a review on processing, properties, and applications, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2022, 41(13-14), 526-557.
- E Le Bourhis and F Touchard, Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Composites, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2021. ISBN 978-0-12-819724-0.
- Md Zakriya G and Ramakrishnan Govindan, Natural Fiber Composites: manufacturing, characterization and testing, CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, 28 September 2020, eBook ISBN 978-0-4293-2673-8. Printed book 2021.
- S Kalia (editor), Lignocellulosic Composite Materials, Springer, 2018, 97-135. ISBN 978-3-319-68695-0.
- Asim Shahzad (editor), Biocomposites: properties, performance and applications, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-53612-120-9.
- S Syngellakis (editor), Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: development and characterisation, WIT Press, Southampton, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-78466-147-2.
- RDSG Campilho, Natural Fiber Composites, CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, November 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4822-3900-3.
- VK Thakur and MR Kessler, Green Biorenewable Biocomposites: from knowledge to industrial applications, Apple Academic Press Inc, Waretown NJ, January 2015. ISBN 978-1-7718-8032-9.
- AN Netravali and CM Pastore, Sustainable Composites: fibers, resins and applications, DEStech Publications, Lancaster PA, September 2014. ISBN: 978-1-60595-111-9.
- A Hodzic and R Shanks (editors): Natural Fibre Composites: materials, processes and properties, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, 2014. ISBN 978-0-85709-524-4 (print). ISBN 978-0-85709-922-8 (online).
- VK Thakur (editor): Green Composites from Natural Resources, Taylor and Francis Group LLC, USA, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4665-7069-6.
- K Pickering (editor), Properties and performance of natural-fibre composites, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, June 2008. ISBN: 978-1-84569-267-4.
- R Wool and XS Sun, Bio-based Polymers and Composites, Academic Press, August 2005. ISBN: 978-0-12763952-9.
- C Baillie, Green composites: polymer composites and the environment, Woodhead, Cambridge, 2004. ISBN 1-85573-739-6.
- K Manickaraj, R Ramamoorthi, R Karuppasamy, KR Sakthivel and B Vijayaprakash, A review of natural biofiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites, Chapter 11 in K Muduli, SK Rout, S Sarangi, SMN Islam and A Mohamed (editors): Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Resource and Environmental Sustainability, Scrivenner/Wiley, 02 August 2024. ISBN 978-1-3941-9816-0. ISBN 978-1-3941-9822-1.
- S Singh, C Agarwal, MS Khidiya, MA Saloda, Reinforced composites from natural fiber: a review, Chapter x in HK Dave, US Dixit and D Nedelcu (editors): Recent Advances in Manufacturing Processes and Systems (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), Springer, Singapore, 2022. ISBN 978-981-16-7786-1.
- B Weager, Technology Overview: Biocomposites (major revision of Best Practice Guide: Natural Fibre Composites), Materials KTN and NetComposites, March 2014.
- S Palanisamy, N Ayrilmis, K Sureshkumar, C Santulli, T Khan, H Junaedi and TA Sebaey, Machine learning approaches to natural fiber composites: a review of methodologies and applications, BioResources, 2025, 20(1), Page numbers to be added.
- O Olanrewaju, IO Oladele and SO Adelani, Recent advances in natural fiber reinforced metal/cement/polymer composites: an overview of the structure-property relationship for engineering applications., Hybrid Advances, pre-proof online 4 January 2025, 100378.
- C Chokkalingam, R Babu Prakash, G Abishek and B Balaji [50 references], A review on natural fibre reinforcement on composite material, International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation (IRJMT), 2024, 6(6), 261-274.
- N Santhosh, BA Praveena, AC Gowda, AA Duhduh, AA Rajhi, S Alamri, P Berwal, MdAmir Khan and AW Wodajo, Innovative eco-friendly bio-composites: A comprehensive review of the fabrication, characterization, and applications, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2024, 63(1), 1-27, 20240057.
- V Somwanshi, Sustainable composites in mechanical engineering, International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), July-August 2024, 6(4), 1-11.
- I McKay, J Vargas, L Yang and RM Felfel, A review of natural fibres and biopolymer composites: progress, limitations, and enhancement strategies, Materials, 2024, 17(19), 4878.
- S Zhu, J Xie, Q Sun, Z Zhang, J Wan, Z Zhou, J Lu, J Chen, J Xu, K Chen, M Fan, Recent advances on bast fiber composites: engineering innovations, applications and perspectives, Composites Part B: Engineering, September 2024, 284, 111738.
- M Sathish, N Radhika, N Venuvanka and L Rajeshkumar, A review on sustainable properties of plant fiber-reinforced polymer composites: characteristics and properties, Polymer International, early online view, 31 July 2023.
- R Bhati, AP Agrawal, A Kumar and S Ali, A review on compositions and mechanical properties of hemp and natural fibers hybrid epoxy composites, NIET Journal of Engineering and Technology (NIETJET), Wimnetr 2023, 12, 1-8.
- MG de Castro Ho, BD Nassif, AdANRe Silva, COR Bueno, VS Guedes, C Couto, EHM Nunes and MLB Almeida, Plant fiber reinforced polymeric composites for engineering applications: a review, Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 2024, 18(2), e05116.
- TF Santos, CM Santos, MS Aquino, I Suyambulingam, EK Hussein, A Verma, SM Rangappa, S Siengchin and JHO Nascimento, Towards sustainable and ecofriendly polymer composite materials from bast fibers: a systematic review, Engineering Research Express, 2024, 6(1), 012501.
- R Koundal, R Khanduja, A Sharma and K Singh, A review of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composite chemical, physical, and thermo-mechanical properties, Journal of Fibers and Polymer Composites, 2023, 2(2), 67-80.
- A Samal, S Kumar, PKS Mural, M Bhargava, SN Das and JK Katiyar, A critical review of different properties of natural fibre-reinforced composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2023, online first.
- SK Bhaskaran, K Boga, R Arukula and SK Gaddam, Natural fibre reinforced vegetable-oil based polyurethane composites: a review, Journal of Polymer Research, 2023, 30, 325.
- I Elfaleh, F Abbassi, Md Habibi, F Ahmad, Md Guedri, M Nasri and C Garnier, A comprehensive review of natural fibers and their composites: an eco-friendly alternative to conventional materials, Results in Engineering, September 2023, 19, 101271.
- JPS Ahmed, K Satyasree, RR Kumar, O Meenakshisundaram and S Shanmugavel, A comprehensive review on recent developments of natural fiber composites synthesis, processing, properties, and characterization, Engineering Research Express, 2023, 5, 032001.
- YK Yadav, G Dixit and S Dixit [203 references], Natural fiber reinforced rPET/polyester composites: a review on development, mechanical performance, and sustainable management, Polymer - Plastics Technology and Materials, 2023, 62(14), 1823-1843.
- MdRMd Asyraf, A Syamsir, MdR Ishak, SMd Sapuan, NMd Nurazzi, MdNF Norrrahim, RA Ilyas, T Khan and MdZA Rashid, Mechanical properties of hybrid lignocellulosic fiber-reinforced biopolymer green composites: a review, Fibers and Polymers, 2023, 24, 337–353.
- T Mishra, P Mandal, AK Rout and D Sahoo, A state-of-the-art review on potential applications of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composite filled with inorganic nanoparticle, Composites Part C: Open Access, October 2022, 9, 100298.
- M Abdur Rahman, S Haque, MM Athikesavan and MdB Kamaludeen, A review of environmental friendly green composites: production methods, current progresses, and challenges, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023.
- C Lv, J Liu, G Guo and Y Zhang, The mechanical properties of plant fiber-reinforced geopolymers: a review, Polymers, 2022, 14(19), 4134.
- S Maiti, MdR Islam, MdA Uddin, S Afroj, SJ Eichhorn and N Karim [381 references], Sustainable fiber-reinforced omposites: a review, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2022, 6(11), 2200258.
- M Akter, MdH Uddin and IS Tania, Biocomposites based on natural fibers and polymers: a review on properties and potential applications, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2022, 41(17-18), 705-742.
- T Manu, AR Nazmi, B Shahri, N Emerson and T Huber, Biocomposites: a review of materials and perception, Materials Today Communications, June 2022, 31, 103309.
- A Dasore, U Rajak, R Balijepalli, TN Verma and K Ramakrishna, An overview of refinements, processing methods and properties of natural fiber composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, 49(2), 296-300.
- S Om Prakash, P Sahu, M Madhan and AJ Santhosh, A review on natural fibre-reinforced biopolymer composites: properties and applications, International Journal of Polymer Science, 2022, 7820731.
- JJ Andrew and HN Dhakal, Sustainable biobased composites for advanced applications: recent trends and future opportunities – a critical review, Composites Part C: Open Access, March 2022, 7, 100220.
- SM Rangappa, S Siengchin, J Parameswaranpillai, Md Jawaid and T Ozbakkaloglu, Lignocellulosic fiber reinforced composites: Progress, performance, properties, applications, and future perspectives, Polymer Composites, February 2022, 43(2), 645-691.
- I Madueke, R Umunakwe and OM Mbah [61 references], A review on the factors affecting the properties of natural fibre polymer composites, Nigerian Journal of Technology, January 2022, 41(1), 55-64.
- A Baysal, P Yayla and HS Türkmen, A review on engineering biocomposites and natural fiber-reinforced materials, Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 2022, 7(3), 231-249.
- P Jagadeesh, M Puttegowda, SM Rangappa and S Siengchin, A review on extraction, chemical treatment, characterization of natural fibers and its composites for potential applications, December 2021, 42(12), 6239-6264.
- Md Zwawi, A review on natural fiber bio-composites, surface modifications and applications, Molecules, 2021, 26(2), 404.
- G Kannan and R Thangaraju, Recent progress on natural lignocellulosic fiber reinforced polymer composites: a review, Journal of Natural Fibers, 19(13), 7100-7131.
- PP Bijlwan, L Prasad and A Sharma, Recent advancement in the fabrication and characterization of natural fiber reinforced composite: a review, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, 44(1), 1718-1722.
- J Zhan, J Li, G Wang, Y Guan, G Zhao, J Lin, H Naceur, D Coutellier, Review on the performances, foaming and injection molding simulation of natural fiber composites, Polymer Composites, March 2021, 42(30, 1305-1324.
- C Kuranchie, A Yaya and YD Bensah, The effect of natural fibre reinforcement on polyurethane composite foams – a review, Scientific African, March 2021, 11, e00722.
- HA Aisyah, MT Paridah, SM Sapuan, RA Ilyas, A Khalina, NM Nurazzi, SH Lee and CH Lee, A comprehensive review on advanced sustainable woven natural fibre polymer composites, Polymers, 2021, 13(3), 471.
- S Mahmud, KMF Hasan, MdA Jahid, K Mohiuddin, R Zhang and J Zhu, Comprehensive review on plant-fiber reinforced polymeric biocomposites, Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(12), 7231-7264.
- S Vigneshwaran, R Sundarakannan, KM John, RD Joel Johnson, KA Prasath, S Ajith, V Arumugaprabu and M Uthayakumar, Recent advancement in the natural fiber polymer composites: a comprehensive review, Journal of Cleaner Production, December 2020, 277, 124109.
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- TG Yashas Gowda, MR Sanjay, K Subrahmanya Bhat, P Madhu, P Senthamaraikannan and B Yogesha, Polymer matrix-natural fiber composites: an overview, Cogent Engineering, 2018, 5(1), Article 1446667.
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Flax and linseed
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- M Ramesh and C Deepa, Processing and properties of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) fibres and their sustainable composite materials: a review, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12, 1923-1997.
- B Pradeepa, M Malathi and Kiruthika AV, Properties of jute fibre reinforced polymer composites – a review, European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2023, 6(1), 10-29.
- S Shahinur, MM Alamgir Sayeed,M Hasan, ASMd Sayem, J Haider and S Ura, Current development and future perspective on natural jute fibers and their biocomposites, Polymers 2022, 14(7), 1445.
- PB Shelar and UN Kumar, Short review on jute fiber reinforced composites, Materials Science Forum, 2021, 1019A, 32-43.
- NT Legesse, Review on jute fiber reinforced PLA biocomposite, Materials Processing Technology degree thesis, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, 2020.
- MS Rabbi, T Islam and MMK Bhiuya, Jute fiber-reinforced polymer composites: a comprehnsive review, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), June 2020, 10(3), 3053–3072.
- E Gogna, R Kumar, Anurag, AK Sahoo and A Panda, A comprehensive review on jute fiber reinforced composites, in K Shanker, R Shankar and R Sindhwani (editors): Advances in Industrial and Production Engineering, Springer, Singapore, 2019, 459-467.
- Y Huang, MdTH Sultan, FS Shahar, A Łukaszewicz, Z Oksiuta and R Grzejda, Kenaf fiber-reinforced biocomposites for marine applications: a review, Materials, 2025, 18(5), 999.
- CH Lee, A Khalina, NMd Nurazzi, A Norli, MM Harussani, SA Rafiqah, HA Aisyah and N Ramli, The challenges and future perspective of woven kenaf reinforcement in thermoset polymer composites in Malaysia: a review, Polymers, 2021, 13(9), 1390.
- K Malik, F Ahmad and E Gunister, A review on the kenaf fiber reinforced thermoset composites, Applied Composite Materials, 2021, 28, 491-528.
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HYBRID COMPOSITES Also see Natural fibre hybrid composites
- B Mylsamy, K Aruchamy, SKM Shanmugam, S Palanisamy and N Ayrılmis, Improving performance of composites: natural and synthetic fibre hybridisation techniques in composite materials - a review, Materials Chemistry and Physics, available online 26 January 2025, 130439.
- T Islam, MH Chaion, MA Jalil, AS Rafi, F Mushtari, AK Dhar and S Hossain, Advancements and challenges in natural fiber-reinforced hybrid composites: a comprehensive review, SPE Polymers, Octopber 2024, 5(4), 481-506.
- CM Santos, TF Santos, HJ Rao, FHVA Silva, SM Rangappa, P Boonyasopon, S Siengchin, DFS Souza and JHO Nascimento [366 references], A bibliometric review on applications of lignocellulosic fibers in polymeric and hybrid composites: trends and perspectives, Heliyon, available online 21 September 2024, e38264.
- TC Mokhena, A Mtibe, TH Mokhothu, MJ Mochane and MJ John, A review on bast-fibre-reinforced hybrid composites and their applications, Polymers, 2023, 15(16), 3414.
- DO Bichang’a, FO Aramide, IO Oladele and OO Alabi, A review on the parameters affecting the mechanical, physical, and thermal properties of natural/synthetic fibre hybrid reinforced polymer composites, Advances in Materials Science and engineering, 2022, article 7024099.
- J Neto, H Queiroz, R Aguiar, R Lima, D Cavalcanti and MD Banea, A review of recent advances in hybrid natural fiber reinforced polymer composites, Journal of Renewable Materials, 2022, 10(3), 561-589.
- SO Ismail, E Akpan and HN Dhakal, Review on natural plant fibres and their hybrid composites for structural applications: recent trends and future perspectives, Composites Part C: Open Access, October 2022, 9, 100322.
- MJ Suriani, RA Ilyas, MYM Zuhri, A Khalina, MTH Sultan, SM Sapuan, CM Ruzaidi, F Nik Wan, F Zulkifli, MM Harussani, MA Azman, FSM Radzi and S Sharma, Critical review of natural fiber reinforced hybrid composites: processing, properties, applications and cost, Polymers 2021, 13(20), 3514.
- A Kumar, M Biswal, S Mohanty and SK Nayak, Recent developments of lignocellulosic natural fiber reinforced hybrid thermosetting composites for high-end structural applications: a review, Journal of Polymer Research, 2021, 28, 459.
- Vinayagamoorthy R, Trends and challenges on the development of hybridized natural fiber composites, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2020, 17(12), 1757-1774.
- N Karthi, K Kumaresan, S Sathish, S Gokulkumar, L. Prabhu and N Vigneshkumar, An overview: Natural fiber reinforced hybrid composites, chemical treatments and application areas, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020, 27(3), 2828-2834.
- SNZA Nadzri, MdTH Sultan, AUMd Shah, SNA Safri and AA Basri, A review on the kenaf/glass hybrid composites with limitations on mechanical and low velocity impact properties, Polymers 2020, 12(6), 1285.
- MJ Mochane, TC Mokhena, TH Mokhothu, A Mtibe, ER Sadiku, SS Ray, ID Ibrahim, OO Daramola, Recent progress on natural fiber hybrid composites for advanced applications: a review, Express Polymer Letters, 2019, 13(2), 159-198.
- KG Prakash, HK Rangavittal and A Thimmana Gouda, Characterization and applications of natural fiber reinforced polymer hybrid composites - a review, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), July 2019, 7(VII), 145-156. ISSN: 2321-9653.
- Chensong Dong, Review of natural fibre-reinforced hybrid composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2018, 37(5), 331-348.
- R Sharavanan, B Vijayaramnath and S Prabhu, A review on natural fiber hybrid composites, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), June 2018, 8(3), 943-948.
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- R Yahaya, SM Sapuan, M Jawaid, Z Leman and ES Zainudin, Review of kenaf reinforced hybrid biocomposites: potential for defence applications, Current Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 14(3), 226-240.
- S Kumar, B Gangil, L Prasad and V Kumar Patel, A review on mechanical behaviour of bast-glass fibre based hybrid polymer composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2017, 4(9), 9576-9580.
- S Santhosh and N Bhanuprakash, A review on mechanical and thermal properties of natural fibre reinforced hybrid composites, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), April 2017, 4(4), 3053.
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- L Mohammed, MNM Ansari, G Pua, Md Jawaid and MS Islam, A review on natural fiber reinforced polymer composite and its applications, International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, article ID 243947, 15 pp.
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Chapter 3: Interfaces
- NE Zafeiropoulos (editor), Interface engineering of natural fibre composites for maximum performance, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, February 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84569-742-6.
- MdB Hoque, MdM Rahman and NS Lupa, A concise review on natural fibers and their surface modification for fabricating natural fiber reinforced polymer based composites, Journal of Fareast International University, 2022, 5 (1), 23-31.
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- NM Nurazzi, MM Harussani, HA Aisyah, RA Ilyas, MNF Norrrahim, A Khalina and N Abdullah, Treatments of natural fiber as reinforcement in polymer composites - a short review, Functional Composites and Structures, 2021, 3, 024002.
- Z Sun, X Zhang, X Wang, S Liang, N Li and H An, Progress in research on natural cellulosic fibre modifications by polyelectrolytes, Carbohydrate Polymers, 15 February 2022, 278, 118966.
- AY Al-Maharma and N Al-Huniti, Critical review of the parameters affecting the effectiveness of moisture absorption treatments used for natural composites, Journal of Composites Science, 2019, 3(1), paper 27, 1-38.
- H Burrola-Núñez, PJ Herrera-Franco, DE Rodríguez-Félix, H Soto-Valdez and TJ Madera-Santana, Surface modification and performance of jute fibers as reinforcement on polymer matrix: an overview, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2019, 16(7), 944-960.
- B Koohestani, AK Darban, P Mokhtari, E Yilmaz and E Darezereshki, Comparison of different natural fiber treatments: a literature review, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 16, 629–642.
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- Z Sun, Hyperbranched polymers in modifying natural plant fibers and their applications in polymer matrix composites - a review, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 24 July 2019, 67(32), 8715–8724.
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- M Chandrasekar, MR Ishak, SM Sapuan, Z Leman and M Jawaid, A review on the characterisation of natural fibres and their composites after alkali treatment and water absorption, Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, 2017, 46(3), 119-136.
- Y Zhou, M Fan and L Chen, Interface and bonding mechanisms of plant fibre composites: an overview, Composites Part B: Engineering, September 2016, 101, 31-45.
- N Venkatachalam, P Navaneethakrishnan, R Rajsekar and S Shankar, Effect of pretreatment methods on properties of natural fiber composites: a review, Polymers and Polymers Composites, 2016, 24(7), 555-566.
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Chapter 4: Composite manufacture
- Van-Hau Nguyen, Characterization and modeling of flax fiber in composite processing, Scholars' Press, 28 April 2017. ISBN: 978-3-330-65185-2.
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- J da Silva Rodrigues, MM Ribeiro, DS Silva, RF Pereira Junio, L de Mendonça Neuba and SN Monteiro, Resin infusion technique applied to the manufacture of polyester matrix composites reinforced with natural fibers - a review, Journal of Engineering Research, 2024, 4(18), 1-30.
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- MK Singh, R Tewari, S Zafar, SM Rangappa and S Siengchin, A comprehensive review of various factors for application feasibility of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites, Results in Materials, March 2023, 17, 100355.
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- MS Rabbi, T Islam and GM Sadiqul Islam, Injection-molded natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites - a review, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 2021, 16, 15.
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