09:15 Introduction and welcome
Professor K Walters FRS
Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Session 1: Autoclave processing and heat transfer
Chair: CM Ó Brádaigh
09:25 Predictions of the temperature proflie within composite sheets during pre-heating.
JE Cunningham and PF Monaghan
09:50 Autoclave cure of composites: validation of models using dynamic dielectric analysis.
GM Maistros and IK Partridge
10:15 Effect of cooling rate on the solidification of a cylindrical channel section.
GJ Ruddock and AJM Spencer
10:40 Coffee
Session 2: Rheology of polymeric composites I
Chair: K Walters
11:10 Determination of longitudinal and transverse behaviour of continuous fibre-reinforced composites from vee-bending.
RJ Dykes, TA Martin and D Bhattacharyya
11:35 Constitutive equations for anisotropic materials.
JA Goshawk and RS Jones
12.00 Characterisation of the processing behaviour of unidirectional continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic sheets.
GB McGuinness and CM Ó Brádaigh
12:25 Effect of in-plane and shear viscosity on the flow and fibre orientation of long fibre injection moulded composites.
L Dewez, P Pirotte, G Lielens, A Couniot and F Dupret
12:50 Lunch
SessIon 3: Numerical modelling I
Chair: J Krebs
14:00 Prediction of thermo-mechanical properties for compression-moulded composites.
G Lielens, P Pirotte, A Couniot, F Dupret and R Keunings
14:25 Large deformation finite element modelling of single-curvature composite sheet forming with tool contact.
SP McEntee and CM Ó Brádaigh
14:50 Mathematical modelling of the draping of fibre cloths in composite processes and numerical prediction of local porosity and fibre orientation.
C Lekakou, U Mohammed and MG Bader
15:15 Numerical and experimental investigation of some press forming parameters of two fibre-reinforced thermoplastics: APC2-AS4 and PEI-CETEX.
P de Luca, P Lefébure and AK Pickett
15:40 Tea
Session 4: Intelligent processing techniques I
Chair: D. Bhattacharyya
16:10 Flow processes in short fibre composites: a fibre-fibre interaction study.
SE Barbosa and JM Kenny
16:35 The effects of embroidery parameters ion processing and mechanical properties of Cornely embroidered quasi-unidirectional reinforcement.
DJ Morris, CD Rudd, SP Gardner and NA Warrior
17:00 Predictions of optimum conditions for the pultrusion process of composite materials by a numerical approach.
A Yokoyoma and H Hamada
Session 5: Numerical modelling II
Chair: R Keunings
09:00 Numerical simulations for impregnation of fibre preforms in composites manufacturing.
XE Gallez and SG Advani
09:25 Non-isothermal simulation of the structural reaction injection moulding process.
O Mal, A Couniot and F Dupret
09:50 Modelling matrix injection through elastic porous preforms.
D Ambrosi and L Preziosi
10:15 The numerical simulation of flow moulding processes of short-fîbre composites.
A Agic
10:40 Coffee
Session 6: Rheology of polymeric composites II
Chair: A Long
11:10 Deformation behaviour of MMC under combined loading.
DWA Rees and M Liddiard
11:35 Modelling the viscoelastic response of anisotropic materials.
JA Goshawk and RS Jones
12:00 Application of Navarro rheological model to polyesther-attapulgìte and polyesther-alumina composites in a liquid state.
RF Navarro
12:25 About the relationships structure-deformation of damaged initially "isotropic" composites.
J Rharbal and J Raclin
Session 6b: Resin transfer moulding I
Chair: J-A Månson
11:10 Microwave asslsted resin transfer moulding.
MS Johnson, CD Rudd and DJ Hill
11:35 Measurement of three-dimensional permeability.
JR Weitzenböck, RA Shenoi and PA Wilson
12.00 Mathematical modelling of resin infiltration in resin transfer moulding (RTM).
C Lekakou and MG Bader
12:25 Resin transfer moulding of a polyimide (AMB-21)/carbon fibre composite.
RL Sadler, VS Avva and ST Thomas
12:50 Lunch
Session 7a: Curing and flow processes in polymeric composites
Chair: PJ Mallon
14:00 Viscosity: thermal history models for thermosetting resins.
QPV Fontana
14:25 Cure monitoring of the liquid composite moulding process using fibre optic sensors.
DL Woerdeman, RA Neff JK Spoerre, KM Flynn and RS Parnas
14:50 Modelling the damage evolution during the machining of a particle reinforced metal matrix composite.
D Brazil and J Monaghan
15:15 Numerical simulation of heat and resin flow and curing of polymer composites.
S McKee and AK Zulkifbe
Session 7b: Resin transfer moulding II
Chair: AG Gibson
14:00 A study of the effects of convergent flow fronts on the properties of fibre-reinforced composites produced by RTM.
NRL Pearce, FJ Guild and J Summerscales
14:25 Structural resin transfer moulding with compression process.
H Hamada and N Ikegawa
14:50 Void transport in resin transfer moulding.
TS Lundström
15:15 Networking 15:40 Tea
Session 8: Intelligent processing techniques II
Chair: FN Cogswell
16:10 Understanding the development of fibre orientation during the melt extrusion of short glass fibre reinforced polypropylene.
PJ Hine, S-W Tsui, PD Coates, IM Ward and RA Duckett
16:35 An investigation into the effects of fabric architecture on the processing and properties of fibre-reinforced composites produced by RTM.
NRL Pearce, FJ Guild and J Summerscales
17:00 A new fibre placement system for an automated production of thermoplastic composite structures.
M Weck and R vor dem Esche
19:30 for 20:00 Conference Dinner
Session 9: Sheet and press forming of advanced composites chair: J Summerscales
09:00 The effect of pressure gradients on the consolidation behaviour of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic.
R Phillips, P Sunderland, P Berguerand and J-A Månson
09:25 Flow and compaction during the isothermal consolidation of a co-mingled thermoplastic composite.
T Cain, MD Wakeman, R Brooks, A Long and CD Rudd
09:50 Characterisation of flow behaviour of glass mat thermoplastics (GMTs) by squeeze flow testing.
G Kotsikos, J Bland and AG Gibson
10:15 The optimisation of the non-isothermal press-forming process for fibre reinforced thermoplastics.
R Williams and PJ Mallon
10:40 Coffee
Session 10: Flow processes in polymeric composites
Chair: AJM Spencer
11:10 Some experiments on flow and orientation in fibre suspensions.
JFT Pittman and H Mahmoudzadeh
11:35 Inter-ply and intra-ply shear processes in continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastics.
J Krebs, K Friedrich, R Christie and D Bhattacharyya
12:00 Envoy. FN Cogswell
12:50 Lunch