Resources for Life Cycle Assessment for Natural Fibre Composites and Bio-Based Resins |
Relevant teaching web pages
Useful documentation and consortia
Book chapters
- NPJ Dissanayake and J Summerscales, Life Cycle Assessment for natural fibre composites, Chapter 8 in Vijay Kumar Thakur (editor): Green Composites from Natural Resources, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, USA, 25 November 2013, pp 157-186. ISBN 978-1-4665-7069-6.
- AD La Rosa and G Cicala, LCA of fibre-reinforced composites, Chapter 14 in SS Muthu (editor), Handbook of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Textiles and Clothing, Elsevier (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles), 2015. ISBN 978-0-08-100169-1.
Key Technical Reports
- Anonymous, Single-use plastics: New measures to reduce marine litter, A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy, European Commission\Environment, circa 2018.
- M Barth and M Carus, Carbon Footprint and Sustainability of Different Natural Fibres for Biocomposites and Insulation Material - study providing data for the automotive and insulation industry, nova-institut GmbH, Hürth - Germany, 2015.
- Sustainable Performance and Strategy, Life cycle assessment of CFGF – Continuous Filament Glass Fibre Products, PwC Report prepared for GlassFibreEurope, Brussels, October 2016.
- JEG van Dam and HL Bos, Consultation on natural fibres: the environmental impact of hard fibres and jute in non-textile industrial applications, ESC-Fibres Consultation no 04/4, Rome, 15-16 December 2004.
- JEG van Dam and HL Bos, The Environmental Impact of Fibre Crops in Industrial Applications, 33-page document with no publication details beyond the URL!
- Richard Murphy and Ian Bartle, Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainability: Insights from Life Cycle Assessment, Summary Report
presented at the National Non-Food Crops Centre seminar, London, 25 May 2004.
A global view
Journal papers on LCA
- AM Amadei, V De Laurentiis and S Sala, A review of monetary valuation in life cycle assessment: state of the art and future needs, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 December 2021, 329, 129668.
- M Anshassi and TG Townsend, Reviewing the underlying assumptions in waste LCA models to identify impacts on waste management decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1 September 2021, 313, 127913.
- B Dastjerdi, V Strezov, MdA Rajaeifar, R Kumar and M Behnia, A systematic review on life cycle assessment of different waste to energy valorization technologies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 25 March 2021, 290, 125747.
- J Diener and U Siehler, Ecological comparison from NMT- and GMT-components (translated from the German original by Corinna Thom), Applied Macromolecular Chemistry, 1999, 272 (1), 1-4.
- T Ekvall and G Finnveden, Allocation in ISO 14041 - a critical review, Journal of Cleaner Production, June 2001, 9(3), 197-208.
- A Fitzgerald, W Proud, A Kandemir, RJ Murphy, DA Jesson, RS Trask, I Hamerton and ML Longana, A life cycle engineering perspective on biocomposites as a solution for a sustainable recovery, Sustainability, 2021, 13(3), 1160.
- S Halliwell, End of Life Options for Composite Waste: Recycle, Reuse or Dispose?, National Composites Network Best Practice Guide.
- SV Joshi, LT Drzal, AK Mohanty and S Arora, Are natural fiber composites environmentally superior to glass fiber reinforced composites?, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, March 2004, 35(3), 371–376.
- Y Leterrier, Life Cycle Engineering of Composites, Chapter 2.33 in Comprehensive Composite Materials, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2000.
- H Lilholt and JM Lawther, Natural Organic Fibers, Chapter 1.10 in Comprehensive Composite Materials, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2000, 303-325.
- P Ramesh and S Vinodh, State of art review on Life Cycle Assessment of polymers, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 17 August 2020, latest articles.
- J Shi, Z Liu, H Zhang, Q Jiang and T Li, Life Cycle Assessment: state of the art and future perspectives, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 8(3), 211-221.
- ETH Vink, KR Rábago, DA Glassner and PR Gruber, Applications of life cycle assessment to NatureWorks™ polylactide (PLA) production, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2003, 80(3), 403-419.
- S Wegmann, C Rytka, M Diaz-Rodenas, V Werlen, C Schneeberger, P Ermanni, B Caglar, C Gomez and V Michaud, A life cycle analysis of novel lightweight composite processes: reducing the environmental footprint of automotive structures, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1 January 2022, 330, 129808.
Journal papers reporting LCA specific to natural fibres
- T Corbière-Nicollier, B Gfeller Laban, L Lundquist, Y Leterrier, J-AE Månson and O Jolliet, Life cycle assessment of biofibres replacing glass fibres as reinforcement in plastics, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, November 2001, 33(4), 267-287.
- NPJ Dissanayake, J Summerscales, SM Grove and MM Singh, Life cycle impact assessment of flax fibre for the reinforcement of composites, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2009, 3(3), 245-248.
- NPJ Dissanayake, J Summerscales, SM Grove and MM Singh, Energy use in the production of flax fiber for the reinforcement of composites, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2009, 6(4), 331-346.
- AS Ead, R Appel, N Alex, C Ayranci and JP Carey, Life cycle analysis for green composites: a review of literature including considerations for local and global agricultural use, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 27 June 2021, 16, 20 pp.
- A Gomez-Campos, C Vialle, A Rouilly, C Sablayrolles and L Hamelin, Flax fiber for technical textile: a life cycle inventory, Journal of Cleaner Production, 25 January 2021, 281, 125177.
- S González-García, A Hospido, G Feijoo and MT Moreira, Life cycle assessment of raw materials for non-wood pulp mills: hemp and flax, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, September 2010, 54(11), 923-930.
- A Le Duigou, P Davies and C Baley, Environmental impact analysis of the production of flax fibres to be used as composite material reinforcement, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, March 2011, 5(1), 153-165.
- P Munasinghe, A Druckman and DGK Dissanayake, A systematic review of the life cycle inventory of clothing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 October 2021, 320, 128852.
- J Summerscales and N Dissanayake, Allocation in LCA of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composites, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi’an – China, 20-25 August 2017, oral 2039.
- HMG van der Werf and L Turunen, The environmental impacts of the production of hemp and flax textile yarn, Industrial Crops and Products, January 2008, 27(1), 1-10.
Journal papers reporting LCA specific to other composite systems
- MK Hagnell and M Åkermo, The economic and mechanical potential of closed loop material usage and recycling of fibre-reinforced composite materials, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 June 2019, 223, 957-968.
- F Hermansson, M Janssen and M Svanström, Prospective study of lignin-based and recycled carbon fibers in composites through meta-analysis of life cycle assessments, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 June 2019, 223, 946-956.
- AD La Rosa, G Recca, J Summerscales, A Latteri, G Cozzo and G Cicala, Bio-based versus traditional polymer composites: a life cycle assessment perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, 01 July 2014, 74, 135-144.
- AD La Rosa, S Greco, C Tosto and G Cicala, LCA and LCC of a chemical recycling process of waste CF-thermoset composites for the production of novel CF-thermoplastic composites: open loop and closed loop scenarios, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 127158.
- SJ Pickering, Recycling technologies for thermoset composite materials
- current status, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2006, 37, 1206-1215.
- S Walker and R Rothman, Life cycle assessment of bio-based and fossil-based plastic: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10 July 2020, 261, 121158.
Journal papers reporting LCA specific to composites manufacturing
- A Forcellese, M Marconi, M Simoncini and A Vita, Life cycle impact assessment of different manufacturing technologies for automotive CFRP components, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 October 2020, 271, 122677.
- RJ Tapper, ML Longana, A Norton, KD Potter and I Hamerton, An evaluation of life cycle assessment and its application to the closed-loop recycling of carbon fibre reinforced polymers, Composites Part B: Engineering, 1 March 2020, 184, 107665.
Journal papers reporting LCA specific to application sector
- A Gomez-Campos, C Vialle, A Rouilly, L Hamelin, A Rogeon, D Hardy and C Sablayrolles, Natural fibre polymer composites - a game changer for the aviation sector?, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1 March 2021, 286, 124986.
- C Ingrao, AL Giudice, J Bacenetti, C Tricase, G Dotelli, M Fiala, V Siracusa, C Mbohwa, Energy and environmental assessment of industrial hemp for building applications: a review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, November 2015, 51, 29–42.
- M Kalverkamp, E Helmers and A Pehlken, Impacts of life cycle inventory databases on life cycle assessments: a review by means of a [vehicle] drivetrain case study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1 October 2020, 269, 121329.
- AD La Rosa, A Recca, A Gagliano, J Summerscales, A Latteri, G Cozzo and G Cicala, Environmental impacts and thermal insulation performance of innovative composite solutions for building applications, Construction and Building Materials, 31 March 2014, 55, 406-414.
- C Mair-Bauernfeind, M Zimek, M Lettner, F Hesser, RJ Baumgartner and T Stern, Comparing the incomparable? A review of methodical aspects in the sustainability assessment of wood in vehicles, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 14 September 2020.
- D Richard, T Hong, M Hastak, A Mirmirand and O Salem, Life-cycle performance model for composites in construction, Composites Part B: Engineering, March 2007, 38(2), 236-246.
- P Roy, F Defersha, A Rodriguez-Uribe, M Misra and AK Mohanty, Evaluation of the life cycle of an automotive component produced from biocomposite, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10 November 2020, 273, 123051.
Review papers specific to composting
- G Shan, W Li, Y Gao, W Tan and B Xi, Additives for reducing nitrogen loss during composting: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 July 2021, 307, 127308.
- Jin Lu and Suyun Xu, Post-treatment of food waste digestate towards land application: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 June 2021, 303, 127033.
- S Tait, PW Harris and BK McCabe, Biogas recovery by anaerobic digestion of Australian agro-industry waste: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 25 May 2021, 299, 126876.
- Y Cai, Z Zheng, F Schäfer, W Stinner, X Yuan, H Wang, Z Cui and X Wang, A review about pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass in anaerobic digestion: achievement and challenge in Germany and China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 25 May 2021, 299, 126885.
- M Liu, Y Wei and X Leng, Improving biogas production using additives in anaerobic digestion: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 15 May 2021, 297, 126666.
- X Zheng, MA Aborisade, S Liu, S Lu, BT Oba, X Xu, X Cheng, M He, Y Song and H Ding, The history and prediction of composting technology: a patent mining, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10 December 2020, 276, 124232.
- T Kijchavengkul and R Auras, Perspective: Compostability of polymers, Polymer International, June 2008, 57(6), 793-804.
- MdNI Siddique and ZAb Wahid, Achievements and perspectives of anaerobic co-digestion: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1 September 2018, 194, 359-371.
- M Karamanlioglu, R Preziosi and GD Robson, Abiotic and biotic environmental degradation of the bioplastic polymer poly(lactic acid): a review, Polymer Degradation and Stability, March 2017, 137, 122-130.
- CPC Bong, LY Lim, WS Ho, JS Lim, JJ Klemeš, S Towprayoond, CS Ho and CT Lee, A review on the global warming potential of cleaner composting and mitigation strategies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10 March 2017, 146, 149-157.
- BG Hermann, L Debeer, B de Wilde, K Blok and MK Patel, To compost or not to compost: carbon and energy footprints of biodegradable materials' waste treatment, Polymer Degradation and Stability, June 2011, 96(6), 1159-1171.
Workshop on Life Cycle Assessment of Composites, Advanced Composites
Manufacturing Centre, University of Plymouth, 7 April 2005.
Workshop on Life Cycle Assessment of Composites, Dartington, 25 September 2013.
ISO 14040 series of standards on Life Cycle Assessment
- 14040:1997 Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - principles
and frameworks
- 14041:1998 Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - goal and scope definition and inventory analysis (superseded by ISO 14044)
- 14042:2000 Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - life cycle impact assessment (superseded by ISO 14044)
- 14043:2000 Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - life cycle interpretation (superseded by ISO 14044)
- 14044:2006 Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - requirements and guidelines
- 14047 Technical Report: Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - examples of application of ISO 14042
- 14048:2002 Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - data documentation format
- 14049:2000 Technical Report: Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - examples of applications of ISO 14041 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis
Data sources for Embodied Energy
Association of the European Composites Industry (EuCIA)
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