Resources for environmental impacts and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Concern for the environment is not a new phenomenon ...
Ecoinvent environmental data
LCA data for unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester resins
(13 January 2025)
transparency regarding ecoinvent users’ system model choices
(Saade et al, 2019)
Embodied energy
calorific value of pyrolysis gas derived from various composite materials
carbon prices required for profits to remain unchanged
environmental impacts of various materials and processes
unit energies for composites processing
Environmental impact classification factors
Acidification Potential (AP)
Aquatic Toxicity Potential (ATP)
Eutrophication Potential (EP)
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Human Toxicity Potential (HTP)
Non-Renewable/Abiotic Resource Depletion (NRADP)
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
Photochemical Oxidants Creation Potential (POCP)
Environmental Impact Classification Factors for cork
Life Cycle Assessment (review papers)
Life Cycle Assessment/Analysis (LCA)
Life Cycle Assessment allocation
(Ekvall and Finnveden, 2001)
allocation in LCA of flax fibres for the reinforcement of composites
(Summerscales and Dissanayake, 2017)
allocation in LCA of lignin
(Hermansson et al, 2020)
axiomatic method for goal-dependent allocation in life cycle assessment
(Schrijvers et al, 2021)
critical review of guidelines ... consistency on allocation procedures for recycling in LCA
(Schrijvers et al, 2016)
co-product allocation for agricultural systems
(Mackenzie et al, 2017)
uncertainty due to allocation approaches and life cycle impact assessment methods
(Cherubini et al, 2018)
Life Cycle Assessment factsheet
Life Cycle Assessment for natural fibre composites and bio-based resins (resources)
Life Cycle Assessment for Composites – a key tool for addressing sustainability issues
(Composites UK webinar 1h 50m)
Life Cycle Assessment impact categories
Life Cycle Assessment quantified environmental impacts
Table 1: Potential environmental impacts/kg associated with synthetic fibre reinforcement production
Table 2: Potential environmental impacts/kg associated with natural fibre reinforcement production
Table 3: Potential environmental impacts/(ton or tonne) associated with synthetic vinyl ester or bio-based epoxy resin production
Table 4: Energy input, Global Warming Potential and ReCiPe points for polymers
Table 5: Potential environmental impacts/ton associated with composites
Table 6: Environmental externalities associated with production of 1 ton of fibre
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) (review papers)
Life Cycle Costing factsheet
Natural Fibres - environmental, technical and economic issues
Table 1: Some quantitative data for the environmental impacts of various materials and processes
Table 2: Unit energies for composites processing
Table 3: Calorific value of pyrolysis gas derived from various composite materials
Table 4: Carbon prices required for profits to remain unchanged
SimaPro software
LCA with Simapro 8: Tutorial 1
LCA with Simapro 8: Tutorial 2
LCA with Simapro 8: Tutorial 3
LCA with Simapro 8: Tutorial 4
Sustainability and the value of Eco-System Services
Value of Eco-System Services
Created by John Summerscales on 18-Feb-2022 and updated on 15-Jan-2025 15:52.
Terms and conditions. Errors and omissions. Corrections.